WINK Welcomes a New Committee

WINK Welcomes a New Committee

WINK welcomes a new committee at April Annual Meeting.

Our Annual Meeting saw the voting in of our new President, Elaine after our out-going President Gill stepped down after six years. Our heartfelt thanks go to Gill for her hard work and dedication in steering WINK Rayleigh for the last six years. Gill has been very well supported by the committee and members over the years and we know this support will continue with Elaine at the helm.

We also voted in Sue as our new Secretary now that Elaine has moved into the President role. Sue will be supported by Kerry who is now our Social Media Secretary. Dawn remains our Treasurer and we also officially welcomed our other new committee members, Perrie and Lucy who join Tricia, Jane, Sharon.

Our new committee already have some fantastic plans in the pipeline, so watch this space!
