Welcome to Example Federation

A warm welcome to Essex Federation.
I moved to Essex in 2012 and had never considered joining a WI. My Mum had been a member of ‘The Rural’ in Scotland back in the 1950s and 60s so when I was ‘encouraged’ by a lovely friend to come to a WI meeting, I was less than enthusiastic. Imagine my surprise when I discovered I actually enjoyed it and found myself joining that night!
A couple of years later and I was asked along to Federation – I thought they only wanted me to help move tables and put some chairs out. Fast Forward to 2023 and I now find myself Chair of Essex Federation and very happy and honoured to be here. Who would have thought all this would have happened by reluctantly going to one WI meeting!
I live in the north of our beautiful County with my husband Ian. My daughter Lynsey, I am delighted to say is 3rd Generation WI and a wonderful ambassador for the organisation. I am an avid football fan, my musical taste is eclectic stretching from Hard Rock to Classical and I love travel, crafting and socialising with friends and family.
There is a full and exciting programme of Federation events and workshops planned for the coming year which you can find out more about on this website and WI Essex Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Full details, reminders and much more are also published in the monthly Federation magazine Essex WI News. Hopefully I’ll get to meet many of you when attending some of these events.
Moyra Jackson
Elsenham WI
Essex Federation Chair
Note: The Essex Federation office is fully accessible for disabled people.
FEWI Official Website: www.essexwi.org.uk