About WINK Rayleigh

We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.45pm at the WI Hall in Rayleigh

Women's Institute New Konnections (WINK) Rayleigh was set up in 2014 by a group of ladies who wanted a WI with a modern feel to it. We are fairly informal and our emphasis is to gether together likeminded women who want to make new friends, learn new skills, go on outings and generally have fun!

March 2024 saw us celebrate our 10th birthday and we would like to thank all past and present members for their kindness, support and friendship over the last ten years and we look forward to another fun-filled decade!

A group of ladies with a cake

We always welcome visitors and new members, to find out more about joining WINK Rayleigh, please get in touch.

Visit our new website for full details of our meetings, events and get to know us a bit better!

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram where we share all our news.